DBZ VideoGames

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Here are some reviews and info about some DBZ videogames.


DBZ Budokai

DBZ budokai is definately the best dbz game out there. Its fast paced, and you can whoop tail with 23 different characters. if you are into fighting games, then you may not like this game, but if you like and part of DBZ, then this is definately your game. The special moves are easy to master, and combos are easy to learn. the story mode spans from the saiyan saga to the cell saga. You can use your prize money, from budokai mode, to buy capsules which contain attack moves, support and dragonballs. each character has a set of moves that can be learned, and you choose which moves you want to fight with, in other words, the characters attacks, are fully customizable. its a sweet game. i give it an 8/10.

Legacy of goku and DBZ CCG for gameboy advance

the  Legacy of goku is an RPG sort of game, that is no great shakes to say the least, the gameplay can be slow at times, and you die alot, so you have to save alot. you cannot save freely, you have to do it at checkpoints, which is a big setback. that graphics are a little choppy. i give it a 5/10.

The DBZ card game on gameboy advance, is a decent game. it has cards from saiyan, frieza and trunks saga. the only thing i didnt like about it was that they were real strict on the rules. no made up or home rules, everything is set to the book rules. the least few opponents can be tough, and could take a while to beat, but other than that, the game is solid. i give it a 7/10

Budokai 2

this is a new release. it is like budokai, but faster, deeper, and cooler. i have not played the game, but im looking to get a copy in the next 2 weeks, ill have a review then