Saiyan Levels

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Super Saiyan

This is the first level of super saiyan. the hair turns gold, and eyes become green. Cause a short temper, but greatly increases your power, it can be reached by unleashing your emotion.

Ultra Super saiyan

Sort of a false level beyond super saiyan. hair is still yellow, but streaky, and eyes are still green.  it is a false level because, when one becomes an ultra super saiyan, speed greatly decreases, and the body becomes bulky

Super saiyan 2

The next true level of super saiyan. one streak of hair runs down the face, speed and power are greatly increased. it can be reached, because of loss, and anger, or just powering up loads.

Super saiyan 3

The next level after super saiyan 2. guessed it...super saiyan 3. the hair grows down to ones butt, burt still maintains its gold color, the face becomes more pronounced, and power and speed jump greatly.

Super Saiyan 4

the strangest of all saiyan levels, is super saiyan color remains the same is ones original hair color, and the body becomes covered in dark red fur, and the eyes are outlined in red also. one transforms into ssj4 after becoming a golden oozaru (golden saiyan monkey)

Golden oozaru

another strange form of SSj. this form can only be reached if you REGROW your saiyan tail (goku has it done in order to beat bebi) regrowing a saiyan tail is very painful